Friday, January 19, 2018

Dear Author at IOP Publishing, [11] Pgh 2015 December 03
You wrote:
The GPB space mission measured the curvature of space caused by the Earth's gravitational field to high precision. This confirmed a prediction of the theory of general relativity, presented by Albert Einstein exactly 100 years ago this month.”  [1]
Apparently you were talking about a failed mission whose finding were off 30% and declared inconclusive by the scientific community, for the results were doctored for years to meet the “prediction”, while the cost of the so called test amounted almost a billion dollars trying to prove the “frame dragging” and failed proving the curvature of space.
About the Frame Dragging Test of Gravity Probe B (GP-B).
Gravity Probe B (GP-B) was a NASA physics mission to experimentally investigate the so called general theory of relativity (GR) that by the way falls back to Newton’s theory of gravity which is working well in our Solar System and almost as well in the observable Universe. At the same time the GR theory and our known physics – including Newton’s gravity - breaks down at extreme circumstances like singularities, infinities and the internal physical conditions of black holes, neutron stars and possible quark stars.
General relativity has remained the least tested of Einstein’s theories. The reason is, as Caltech physicist Kip Thorne once put it: so, any measurements of the relativistic effects of gravity around Earth must be carried out with utmost precision.” [Including the effort of proving frame dragging] [1A]
The scientific community had serious doubts about result of the frame dragging experience performed by Probe B (GP-B) and declared it inconclusive, regardless years of effort trying to correct the raw data to meet the values of the “prediction”.
Any results that requires years of corrections of the data that supplied by the measuring device calls for questioning the reliability (accuracy) of any measurement and the clear identification of possible noises. In this case the re engineered results of Gravity Probe B should be taken with a grain of salt.
The project was on very shaky ground, because even after years of data massaging, GP-B had weakly confirmed one of the effects, frame dragging, to only the 25 to 33 percent range. But as Everitt and GP-B spokesman Bob Kahn, of Stanford, told IEEE Spectrum via e-mail, a recent breakthrough in the modeling of behavior of the satellite’s instruments has increased the data's accuracy ”by a factor of 5 to 10%. The new results are to be presented early this month at an International Space Science Institute workshop on the nature of gravity.
[The] relativistic “geodetic effect” causes an Earth-orbiting gyroscope to drift 0.0000002 (10-7) degree per hour—a factor of 20 000 above the expected sensitivity of the GP-B gyroscopes. [2]
By August 2008, the frame-dragging effect had been confirmed to within 15% of the expected result, and the December 2008 NASA report indicated that the geodetic effect was confirmed to better than 0.5%.
In an article published in the journal Physical Review Letters in 2011 , the authors reported analysis of the data from all four gyroscopes results in a geodetic drift rate of −6601.8±18.3 mas/yr and a frame-dragging drift rate of −37.2±7.2 mas/yr, to be compared with the general relativity predictions of −6606.1±0.28% mas/yr and −39.2±0.19% mas/yr, respectively (discrepancies of 0.07% and 5%, respectively).”
(Milliarcsecond 0.001 arcsecond   mas 4.8481368 nrad A milliarcseconds is 1/1000th of one of an arc-second or 1/3,600,000th of a single degree (2.8*10-7). The precision of the SQUID magnetic gyroscope readouts used in the GP-B experiment is 1/10 of a milliarcsecond or 0.0001 arc-seconds!) [1]
To put the corrected results in realistic perspective, the probe had to recognize the drag of 23 mm per revolution, and the accumulated value of ~5000 rev/year.  If the 0.0001 arc-seconds precision of the instruments is correct as they claimed, it means the sensitivity of the instrument was – as it is required - ten times higher than the predicted value - that is 2.3mm/revolution. This has to be compared to the R of the probe’s orbit around the Earth’s center (R= Earth radius + height of the satellite, so R is 7.02*106 m)   and to the corresponding the circumference of the orbital circle is (2Rπ= 1.04*107 m)
The calculated ratio between the length of the R of the satellite and the advance of 23mm/revolution caused by the possible frame dragging (using an instrument with 2.3 mm/revolution sensitivity) is 0.0023/7.02*106= 3.3*10-10, a figure about just a magnitude larger than the diameter of the Bohr radius (5.29×10−11m)
In other words, the probe had to be able to recognize the drag-induced tilting of the orbital Radius that would amount only to ~3.3*10-10 per revolution relative to the length of R.
As far as the possible noise sources are concerned, it has to be recognized that the center of gravity is not in the geometrical center of the Earth and its position is moving. The effect of changing the Moon’s gravity may influence the data due to its elliptical orbit and the gradual change of the semi-major axis (The Moon is spiraling away from Earth at a rate of 3.8 cm per year or~1.5”/y). Other factors that may create “noise” are the fluctuation of Earths’ magnetic field due to the Sun’s unpredictable activity, the changing of the Earth distance from the Sun and the aberration of the target star.
When the Earth is farther from the Sun, the energy density is dropping by 11% relative to the perigee position, a substantial change that the interferometry measurements of c did not register. If a slightest variation would be detected in the future then our understanding of the twentieth century physics should be reconsidered”
In the case of our Sun the difference between apogee and perigee is ~5 million km. The energy emission E of the Sun dilutes at the apogee position of the Earth 11% relative to the perigee position. It could be of interest measuring the effect of the dilution, on μ0 and ε0 , or at least calculate if the differences in their product c could be detected by present day instruments. [ 2A]
With the general theory of relativity, acclaimed as one of the most brilliant creations of the human mind, Einstein forever changed our Newtonian view of gravity. However, even though it has become one of the cornerstones of modern physics, general relativity has remained the least tested of Einstein’s theories. [1]
Besides the questionable result of the frame dragging test, it is claimed that the general theory of relativity (GR, a Genesis-like view of cosmology) has passed four important tests since its inception in 1916 as it listed below:
  1. The perihelion shift of Mercury’s orbit.
It was solved in 1898 - 18 years prior to GR theory - by Gerber, providing the formulae whose result gave the correct value (1.75 arcsecond/year). Einstein had published Gerber’s calculation word by word (unchanged except t for tau, etc.), as the result of his own theory, and told “the originality depends on hiding ones source [3]
  1. Gravitational deflection of light by a massive body can be calculated by simple physical rules without using the space-twisting GR theory.
Bending of a Beam of Light Passing a Massive Object according Albrecht Giese’s calculation is 1.75 arcsecond. The proof was presented at the Spring Conference of the German Physical Society (Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft) on 24 March 2000 in Dresden. [4]
  1. The analogous radar time delay (Shapiro effect)
The Shapiro delay is merely a very good fit to the data dealing with the transit times of the microwave signals as function of the selected microwave frequencies of the transmitted link and as affected by the space properties of the solar wind that govern the propagation of microwaves signals in space. The Shapiro delay is the determination of the transit-time delay (usually expressed in microseconds) due to the influence of the expanding solar atmosphere (solar wind) of a measurable electron profile. The Shapiro delay has nothing at all to do with space-time or the gravitational solar light bending effect of General Relativity (usually expressed in radians).
The electron density profile of solar wind is found to behave very nearly as an inverse square of r, namely as r-2, with electron density profile models ranging from r-2.05 to r-2.08, and with effects that engulf the outermost planets of the solar system. The bulk of all the Shapiro delay measurements were done using microwave frequencies from 500 MHz to 8.8GHz (with wavelengths from 80cm to 3.5cm). Significant findings of this research reveal that, for all microwave signals propagating in the solar wind atmosphere of the solar system, the waves are subjected to a frequency dependent plasma index of refraction n(r) that exceeds unity, i.e., n > 1.0000000000. For optical, IR and UV wavelengths, the plasma index of refraction is practically n = 1.0000000000 and these wavelengths are virtually unaffected by the widespread atmosphere of the expanding solar wind described by the electron density profile. As a consequence, the Shapiro delay is only a very good measurement of a frequency dependent transit-time effect and cannot be or have anything to do with a space-time effect of General Relativity which is independent of frequency or seconds of arc). Shapiro delay [5]
  1. The change in orbital frequency of the Taylor-Hulse binary pulsar based on the emission of gravitational radiation.
This far the gravity waves were not yet detected. The Gravitational waves are expected to have frequencies of a very wild range :
and amplitudes of 4*106 m that is decaying by a ratio of 1/R. If it say 10-16 Hz then the wave length ~1024 m is larger than the Diameter of the observable Universe [6]
Further, the “strong equivalence principle,” a key assumption underlying GR’s theory, has also received strong experimental support through NASA’s 1976 Gravity Probe A (GP-A) red-shift clock experiment and NASA lunar laser ranging free-fall measurements”?
Nevertheless, it is widely believed that our present theories of gravity will eventually be seen as limiting cases of a unified theory in which all four fundamental forces of nature (strong, weak, electromagnetic, and gravity) become comparable in strength at very high energies. But there is no consensus as to whether it is GR, particle physics, or both that must be modified—let alone how. [7]
Price of the Gravity Probe B $793 million
From 1963 - 2007, Gravity Probe B was funded and sponsored by NASA. The total funding amount over this 44-year period was approximately $750 million.
From January - September 2008, GP-B was funded in equal $500,000 shares ($1.5 million total) by a private donor, Stanford University and NASA.
Beginning in October 2008, a different funding agency committed? $2.7 million to support completion of the data analysis and conclusion of the program now anticipated at the end of 2009.
One can read an overview of the history and funding of GP-B on the History and Management page in the Mission Tab of this Web site.[8]
Some additional facts about the real problems that the “post doctoring” of the failures of the missions tried to hide:
First, because each rotor is not exactly spherical, its principal axis rotates around its spin axis with a period of several hours, with a fixed angle between the two axes. This is the familiar “polhode” period of a spinning top and, in fact, the team used it as part of their analysis to calibrate the SQUID output. But the polhode period and angle of each rotor actually decreased monotonically with time, implying the presence of some damping mechanism, and this significantly complicated the calibration analysis. In addition, over the course of a day, each rotor was found to make occasional, seemingly random “jumps” in its orientation—some as large as 100 milliarcseconds. Some rotors displayed more frequent jumps than others. Without being able to continuously monitor the rotors’ orientation, Everitt and his team couldn’t fully exploit the calibrating effect of the stellar aberration in their analysis. Finally, during a planned 40-day, end-of-mission calibration phase, the team discovered that when the spacecraft was deliberately pointed away from the guide star by a large angle, the misalignment induced much larger torques on the rotors than expected. From this, they inferred that even the very small misalignments that occurred during the science phase of the mission induced torques that were probably several hundred times larger than the designers had estimated.”[9]

Notes about the bent “empty” space and “weak gravity”:

By making a most common engineering calculation, if one would use a hypothetical steel cable for keeping Earth in orbit, and that cable - for example - would have the braking strength of about 108 Pascal (σ=1000kg/cm2), it would turn out that the required diameter of the regular steel cable should be considerably larger than the diameter of Earth and would be - due to its length of 1.5*1011 m -approximately 10 times heavier than the planet it “anchors” to the Sun; and not counting the incredibly high G force on the cable itself. The result of the recalculation of larger and larger cables needed to take the G force acting on it would result in an infinite mass. [10]
The copy of the simple calculation is attached on the next page.
In short, if the area required for the cable to perform is ~3.5*1014 m2 the force between two protons would be 7.692 * 10 -23 N; smaller than the theoretically available 2.3*10-18 N. [10]


Dr. Karoly Kehrer

The size of a hypothetical cable that could keep Earth in orbit around the Sun against the centrifugal force (F=mv2/R) = ~3.522*1022 at 29.8 km/s orbital speed.
A steel cable is considered with a tensile strength of 1000kg/cm2 (108 N/m2)

[1A] Caltech physicist Kip Thorne
[2A] kk @ (which of our assumption)
[5] Shapiro delay
[8] price of the probe

[10] kk @ (cable size)
[11] IOP Publishing Limited Registered in England under Registration No 467514. Registered Office: Temple Circus, Temple Way, Bristol BS1 6HG England VAT No GB 461 6000 84. Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.

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